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Constructing Cipher Alphabets CV3 and CV4


Both cipher alphabets are constructed in the same way. Start with a Keyword, or rather Keyphrase, obtained from the Running Key. For CV3, we use "Naughty E" and for CV4 "Nature's Y". The 2 mixed alphabets are formed from the Keyphrase, followed by the remaining letters in order:




Now we form the Letter-to-Hoop substitution pairs. First, assign the letters of the Keyphrase (in order) to the single-hoop characters. CV3 commences with the single-hoop pointing North-East then North and so on, finishing with the single-hoop pointing East. See diagram below on Left. Then flip over (on North-South axis) so that East is now West etc. and assign the values for CV4 but in reverse order, starting West and finishing North-West. See diagram below on Right. That was the easy bit! Now take the remaining 16 letters and inscribe in a swiss-roll or spiral pattern, using the template shown below (again, CV3 on the Left, CV4 on the Right). The 2-hoop characters are assigned to the non-shaded letters, read out in a boustrophedon (like the ox ploughing the field) or zigzag manner  - by row for CV3, so LtoR, RtoL etc and by column for CV4, so Up-Down-Up. Similarly, the 3-hoop characters are assigned to the shaded letters (those in the T blob or blob T stencil). Again, takeout is by row for CV3, by column for CV4. One final word before leaving these 2 CVs. The 'T blob' stencil can be reversed - ie - 'T blob' for CV4 and 'blob T' for CV3, in which case write-in commences in the top right of the spiral. This will all become clearer in the final stages.


CV3 and CV4 in Full















These pairings can now sit as the top row of Table 1

These pairings can now sit as the top row of Table 2

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