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Dorabella & D'Agapeyeff Ciphers - Solutions
Examples of Dorabella Encipherment and Decipherment
Pictured below are a few examples of characters being enciphered and deciphered. Care must obviously be taken to use the correct Table - Table 1 works for characters 1 - 38, Table 2 is for characters 39 - 87. The diagrams on the right below are hopefully self-explanatory. Numerically, the encipherment can be expressed here as Plain - Key=Cipher (usually just P-K=Z), modulo 24 (24=the alphabet size); decipherment is P=Z+K
To encipher, the rule is:
Look down the LEFT side and locate the Key letter; look along that row until you find the Plain letter
to be enciphered; now look to the top of that column to locate the cipher character (the hooped symbol).
To decipher, the rule is:
Locate the Key letter on the LEFT and then look along the TOP row to find the hooped character;
the Plain text letter will be at the intersection of the Key row and the hooped column.
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